EN Projects

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Accounting procedures for small and medium companies.
VAT ID (IT) 01151800313
IT - 34074 Monfalcone
For simple and accurate bookkeeping procedures, this System includes: 
- cyclical bookkeeping of EXPENSES & INCOME
- monitoring of DEBITS and CREDITS of each RESIDENT
- current balance to LANDLORD
- monitoring of main FUNDS (cash / bank / building society /  communal reserves)
- any requested STATEMENT
- all variations from your BUDGET 

 Now also available




100% FREE to download:

If you want to start keeping your own budget, simply, on a yearly basis, only for a domestic use, download the following system. It can be used by 1 person, or by the whole family; you can use it and make a different copy every year. If you don't like it, you can simply delete it. By clicking the following link you can get more information and see some pictures of the file, then you can download it for FREE.

My Simple Bookkeeping 2.2


If you need more information, please feel free to contact me.

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Monfalcone Maps 

the city where the world's largest ships are built!

Nave 2  nave 1  Nave 3 


        Marco Piccoli, tutti i diritti riservati.
Tuesday the 22nd.
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