My Simple Bookkeeping



This system is 100% free, you can download and look inside, make it yours for many years or simply delete it. It is made with professional standards to be used with no prior knowledge of bookkeeping or of Excel.

Here something about what you get inside:

an introduction with all the istruction to use the system and enter your primary settings

Copia  di Enter your name here

Enter your name here


3 indipendent sheets assigned to registering and classifying your COSTS

Costi 1

Costi 2

Costi 3


1 sheet for your INCOME



an easy way to ENTER your records



an easy way to get any STATEMENT



some simply REPORTS




Inside there are some suggestions you will modify as you prefer.



If you need to develop any excel-project or you work in the accounting area, you can watch the ACB 2.0 - Advanced Communal Bookkeping that can be also downloaded in a trial version. About systems like that one, it is possible to require any customizations for commercial uses too.

Thank You. 

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        Marco Piccoli, tutti i diritti riservati.
Thursday the 12th.
Copyright 2012


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